Educational Set-up
The school is a secondary school affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Our academic planning and programmes are designed keeping in view the new education policy. The syllabus prescribed is the one recommended by NCERT, New Delhi. The medium of instruction is English but equal stress is laid on Hindi & Sanskrit. The classroom in our school is no longer a dull place with a monotonous routine in which the child is at the receiving end, the teacher at the giving end. On the other hand the classroom vibrates with vigour and vitality where the teacher employs activity oriented methods and makes use of the other audio-visual aids like Smart Classes, LED, LCD Projector and Computer etc. for enhancing the knowledge of the students. The DAV curriculum Model represents the school's commitment to optimize teaching and learning and facilitate children's holistic development and well – being. Through a curriculum that is stimulating and creative, and an environment that is safe and child-centred, we enable the learner to explore multiple dimensions of excellence, encompassing intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. All the elements in our curriculum model converge to bring out the best in every child and enable them to be on the path of continuous development and progress.
Kindergarten Programme
The Kindergarten Programme inculcates in children the qualities of curiosity, exploration and discovery in a Fun-filled, safe and happy learning environment. An individualized approach helps nurture a love of learning, develop social skills and instill moral values. The emphasis is on exploring, knowing, understanding and forming their own ideas. The curriculum prepares children for a smooth transition to a more formal primary curriculum.
Primary School Programme
The primary school programme encourages inquiry and exploration and develops children's competence in various skills-reading, writing, listening, speaking, problem solving, observation, measurement and use of information and communication technology. This programme offers an exciting and creative learning environment, with an inter–disciplinary appreciation of language, Mathematics and Environmental Studies as individual and integrated subjects.
Secondary and Senior Secondary Programme
The Curriculum starts with an emphasis on learning basic facts and gradually moves to detailed understanding of concepts , through interpretation and evaluation as students progress to higher classes. It is built around the principles of knowledge, understanding, application and skill-sets. Projects and the application of knowledge form an integral part and the development of analytical skills. The programme aims to empower children to contribute towards a human, just and pluralistic society and promote introspective living.