Details of norms followed for fixing the school fees
The DAV Police Public Schools are non-profit, non-commercial institutions. Their sole aim is to provide high quality school education. DAV Police Public Schools do not receive any grant-in-aid from the government. Thus, they have to depend largely on fees to meet their expenditure. There are some parameters on the basis of which fee may be determined. These include:
Physical infrastructure provided by the school including land, building, classrooms, laboratories, workshops, furniture, etc.
Nature of appointment of staff/teachers and others, their qualifications, experience and expertise, salary scales, allowances and other benefits being paid to the staff.
Kind of teaching aids provided.
Nature and variety of curricular, co-curricular and other activities offered by the school for total development of the personality of the children.
Library and other services provided by the school for students and teachers.
Orientation and other In-service programmes arranged for teachers for their professional growth.
Inter-school and other competitions in which the students are provided opportunities to participate.
Games, sports and other such facilities.
Scholarships, free-ships, etc., provided to students.
Several other activities undertaken by the school for social upliftment, such as Adult Literacy classes, special education of the physically handicapped and mentally challenged children, special programmes for general awareness about AIDS, drug abuse, population explosion, national integration, etc.
The exercise of determining fee-structure is, therefore, obviously a complex one. On the one hand, the school has to be conscious of the fact that it has to be very reasonable and it cannot and should not charge fee more than what is absolutely essential, on the other hand, it has to meet the variety of expenditure on different activities, tasks and programmes as illustrated above so that high quality education is imparted.
Keeping in view the above realities, the broad guidelines for fixing the fee structure in DAV Police Public School, Jind is given below.
The fee structure of the preceding year should be taken as the base.
Yearly fee hike chart fixed and approved in the School LMC and after that it would be uploaded for information and approval from the District Education Officer, Jind through Form-VI as per Haryana Education Code,2003.
Hike in fee should be compatible with the annual inflation rate (Consumer Price Index) which is normally between 10%-12%.
The fee structure has to be compatible with the facilities and infrastructure available in the school.
The fee structure should be fixed keeping in view the development plans for future.
The fee should be comparable to the fee of the neighbouring schools of reputation.
The school should become self-financing as early as possible, preferably in five years from its start and the break-even point should be kept in mind, when fixing the fee.
Ordinarily, the ratio of staff costs and other costs excluding capital expenditure should be around 60::40 so that programmes and activities for maintenance/improvement of quality of education and total development of the personality of the children canbe taken up by the school.
The amount to be charged under different heads should be fixed keeping in view the estimated expenditure under the head. It would be advisable to tick mark the applicable expenditure heads and then accordingly plan the charges under various heads of Fee structure.
Fee structure should ordinarily comprise the following :
(These are suggestive Heads. Schools may add or delete some heads keeping in view the local requirement)
(i) Registration Charges (one time charge)
(ii) Admission Fee (one time charge)
(iii) Security (Refundable) (one time charge)
(iv) Development Fund
Monthly Charges:
(i) Tuition Fee
Fee Concession
Fee Concession can be given only as per proviso of the Right To Education Act. As regards employees, not more than two children of an employee of the school can be given fee concession. Policy to grant fee-concession to staff wards has to be finalized by the LMC with the approval of DAVCMC.